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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

New Parents Information for Year 7 Students Starting September 2024

On behalf of staff and Governors, I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to our College. I want you to know that I will do everything possible to provide your child with a high-quality education for at least the next 5, and hopefully, 7 years.  I am looking forward to working with you in these years ahead to ensure that your child benefits from not only a first-class education, but also the many other exciting opportunities which the College has to offer.

We are currently over-subscribed, so if you are unable to take up the place that has been reserved for you, please let us know immediately so we can offer the place to another child.

Virtual Tour



The Collingwood Experience from Our Students' Perspective 





Transport Information for Year 7 Entry

For children processed in the normal admissions round for entry into Year 7,  Surrey County Council Admissions and Transport team automatically assesses home to school transport for each child after the initial allocation of school places. If your child is entitled you will hear from SCC by mid July in the year of admission.  You should not complete an application form before that date, as this can cause unnecessary delay to the assessment process.

If you think your child may be entitled and you haven't heard by mid July, please contact SCC.

Please click here for further information regarding assessment of transport entitlement.

For information regarding public transport, please click here.  Click on the route to find out the stops and pick up times.

Surrey County Council Home-to-School Transport Frequently Asked Questions


Curriculum Information