22 February 2023
All Collingwood staff took part in a fabulous INSET day where we did some work looking at our core values: Integrity, Aspiration, Achievement, Inclusiveness and Perseverance. We also had Mark Roberts and Bennie Kara talk to us about raising achievement and the power of language and diversity. Professional development days like these are invaluable for us as a staff community to ensure that we are up to date with current pedagogical thinking and equipped to continue to strive for the best possible outcomes for our students. Follow us on our social media pages and read more about this from Mrs Wright further in the newsletter.
Industrial Action on Thursday 2 March
As you will be aware following my newsletter article on 8 February, I have been consulting with our staff union representatives about further industrial action. There is no requirement for staff members to inform me in advance if they will be taking action on these days. Following our risk assessment analysis and modelling, assuming that similar numbers of staff who took strike action on Wednesday 1 February will strike on Thursday 2 March, then we will not be able to keep the College fully open. I have therefore made the decision that again we will need a partial closure for Years 7-11 as I cannot ensure that we would be able to maintain a safe and secure environment on this day. You will note that Year 11 are included in the partial closure this time as the rationale for Year 11 being in College on 1 February was that they were doing their PPEs (mock examinations) with invigilators and on 2 March this will not be the case.
Sixth Form students in Years 12 and 13 are still to attend College and will follow their normal timetabled lessons. However, striking staff do not have to set work in their absence so Sixth Form students will be encouraged to bring independent learning materials with them to College on this day so they can make a productive use of the time in such lessons.
For Years 7-11, work will be provided via One Note in some cases, but there will be no live lessons. Given the significant number of NEU members of staff, please expect such provision to be very limited, however we will guide the students to generic work on these days to support their learning and future revision. An Edulink message will be sent to all students next week.
Again, like on 1 February and subject to capacity, we will endeavour to accommodate vulnerable students and children of critical workers on site. For us to assess demand, parents/carers of vulnerable students and those who are critical workers, are asked to click on the link below and complete the Microsoft Form by no later than midday on Monday 27 February 2023 if they are interested in utilising the on-site provision.
Industrial Action Provision Microsoft Form
I am sorry that you will have to make alternative arrangements for Thursday 2 March and I would like to reassure you that I have not taken this decision lightly, but the health, safety and welfare of students and staff are of paramount importance to me. I would also, therefore, recommend you start to make alternative childcare arrangements for this date and the other proposed dates in March which are Wednesday 15 March and Thursday 16 March respectively. I am sure you understand the situation we are in, and I would again like to thank you in advance for your support.
Miss Watling - Senior Vice Principal