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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Principal's Blog

Page 8

  • 10 March 2021

    Published 10/03/21, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer We are delighted to have all our students back! It has been so nice to see all our students returning to College and I think we all relish the opportunity to return to some kind of routine.  I do think that the vast major
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  • 3 March 2021

    Published 03/03/21, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer The end is in sight for remote learning and I am sure all of you are very much looking forward to your sons and daughters returning full-time to College next week!  I would like to thank all of you for your support of our ef
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  • 24 February 2021

    Published 24/02/21, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer Return to College (please read in full) I am sure, like all of us here, that you were pleased by the Prime Minister's announcement on Monday that students will be returning to College from Monday 8 March. Schools have b
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  • 10 February 2021

    Published 10/02/21, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer As we come to the end of this half term I would like to thank you all for your support over this prolonged lockdown period. To say this has been a difficult time for all of us is a huge understatement and I am sure we all hope th
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  • 3 February 2021

    Published 03/02/21, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer I hope you are staying safe and are feeling a little more positive given the improvement in the national Coronavirus infection rate figures and the success of the national vaccination programme.  At last there seems to be so
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  • 27 January 2021

    Published 28/01/21, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parents and Carers I hope that you are having a good week and enjoyed, briefly, the snowy conditions at the start of the week. Reopening of schools Yesterday the Prime Minister said that schools would reopen only “cautiously&rdquo
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  • 9 December 2020

    Published 09/12/20, by Julia Byrne
    Year 8 to Return to College on Thursday 9 December; Year 10 to Continue with Remote Learning until their Return on Monday 14 December For further details please refer to my letter to parents dated Tuesday 8 December. Next Week You will be aw
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  • 2 December 2020

    Published 03/12/20, by Julia Byrne
    Partial Closures The decision to have a partial closure for Years 8, 9 and 10 students this week was not taken lightly, and I know the additional pressures this has placed on families.  I am very grateful for the very many messages of support
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  • 25 November 2020

    Published 26/11/20, by Julia Byrne
    Partial Closure Figures from the Department for Education reveal that last week 25% to 27% of schools across England had 30 or more pupils isolating due to potential contact with a positive case of COVID inside the school.  The figure has inc
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  • 18 November 2020

    Published 20/11/20, by Julia Byrne
    Face Coverings We have now moved to a much simpler rule which provides clarity for everyone as well as still fully complying with government guidance: Face coverings are compulsory inside all buildings and on College transport (not compulsor
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