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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Principal's Blog

Page 7

  • 9 June 2021

    Published 10/06/21, by Julia Byrne
    Consultation on Parents’ Evenings/Academic Review Events 2021-2022 Over the last 18 months we have, by necessity caused by the pandemic, had to conduct all our Parents’ Evenings and Academic Review events remotely via the School Cloud.
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  • 26 May 2021

    Published 26/05/21, by Julia Byrne
    Bells As I am sure you have been told, we have experienced significant difficulties last week and this week with our bell system in the Barossa building.  Frustratingly, due to an electrical fault, the bells have been sounding erratically thr
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  • 19 May 2021

    Published 19/05/21, by Julia Byrne
    Leaving Date for Year 11 Students Students in Year 11 are currently completing their final assessments which will be used to inform their grades for this year. I would like to congratulate them for their hard work and focus during a very pressuris
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  • 12 May 2021

    Published 12/05/21, by Julia Byrne
     Face Coverings  The Government  has confirmed that the next stage of easing of restrictions will go ahead as planned on Monday 17 May, meaning students will no longer be expected to wear face coverings in classrooms or in communal
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  • 5 May 2021

    Published 06/05/21, by Julia Byrne
    Year 11 Prom, Transition Arrangements for Year 6 Students and Other End-of-term Activities We have been waiting for government guidance on a number of College-related events including the Year 11 Prom and transition arrangements for Year 6 student
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  • 28 April 2021

    Published 28/04/21, by Julia Byrne
    Awarding of Grades I am pleased to say that students have made a really good start with their mini assessments and teachers have commented on how impressed they have been with their positive attitude to their studies. I would also like to take thi
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  • 21 April 2021

    Published 21/04/21, by Julia Byrne
    It has been a good start to the term, and it’s great to have all our staff and students back in College!  There is a palpable sense of positivity and a feeling that this is going to be a very good term! New Staff Welcome to Mr Charma
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  • 31 March 2021

    Published 31/03/21, by Julia Byrne
    With the Lateral Flow Tests in College completed, no confirmed Coronavirus cases among staff or students and the significant reduction of Coronavirus infection rates and deaths at local and national level we are all very hopeful of a much brighter fu
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  • 24 March 2021

    Published 25/03/21, by Julia Byrne
    5000 Onsite Lateral Flow Tests Completed! We were pleased that the arrangements for over 5000 onsite lateral flow tests went very smoothly and we finished them last Thursday without one positive test outcome!  The very mature and co-operative
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  • 17 March 2021

    Published 18/03/21, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer I am delighted to report that we have had a very smooth start to the reopening of the College with very strong student attendance, very good compliance with all our COVID-related procedures and a high uptake on the lateral flow t
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