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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Principal's Blog

Page 12

  • 18 March 2020

    Published 23/03/20, by Julia Byrne

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Correspondence 3

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  • 16 March 2020

    Published 23/03/20, by Julia Byrne

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Correspondence 2

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  • 4 March 2020

    Published 23/03/20, by Julia Byrne

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Correspondence 1

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  • 11 March 2020

    Published 11/03/20, by Julia Byrne
    Additional INSET Day Parents and Carers will be aware of the huge amount of change happening in schools at the moment especially in connection with the curriculum.  Teaching staff are spending significant amounts of time reviewing and adaptin
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  • 4 March 2020

    Published 11/03/20, by Julia Byrne
    Arranging Meetings with Staff Please could I remind parents and visitors that teachers and staff will happily arrange appointments to see them at a mutually convenient time, but that there cannot be an expectation that people can come into College
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  • 12 February 2020

    Published 12/02/20, by Julia Byrne
    Gym Club Gate Please can I ask Parents and Carers to remind their sons and daughters in Years 7 to 11 that the Gym Club gate can only be used by staff and Sixth Form students.  The gate is now clearly signed, has an electronic lock fitted and
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  • 5 February 2020

    Published 06/02/20, by Julia Byrne
    Asian Week Thanks to Mr Bunter, staff and all the students involved in another very successful Asian week.  There were some really interesting and engaging curriculum events put on by staff and, as you can see from the report in this newslett
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  • 29 January 2020

    Published 29/01/20, by Julia Byrne
    Debating Team Success Congratulations to Mr Baird and the debating teams for their fantastic performance last Saturday in the International Competition for Young debaters held in the Oxford Union (more information from Mr Baird above).  This
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  • 8 January 2020

    Published 08/01/20, by Julia Byrne
    I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy New Year.   At this time of year it is timely to ask parents, in particular those new to Collingwood, to familiarise themselves with our closure procedures in the event of
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  • 18 December 2019

    Published 07/01/20, by Julia Byrne
    Staffing The following staff are leaving at the end of term and I would like to thank them for their hard work and commitment to the College:  My special thanks to Anita Randall who is retiring and who has given the College twenty years of ma
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