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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Principal's Blog

Page 10

  • 17 June 2020

    Published 17/06/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer   Planning for the Reopening of Schools   Planning for the return to the College site of a small number of Years 10 and 12 students is ongoing and we have produced a detailed Risk Assessment that we will share
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  • 10 June 2020

    Published 10/06/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer Reopening of Schools Given the significant range of views across the country on the subject of the reopening of schools I have to admit that I published our plans last week with some unease that there would be a significant a
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  • 3 June 2020

    Published 05/06/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer Welcome back I hope you had a good half term despite the current situation and that you have appreciated a break from the home schooling many of you are doing. I also hope you are enjoying life just a little bit more given the
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  • 20 May 2020

    Published 20/05/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parent/Carer Reopening of Schools We are still waiting for more details from the government on the reopening of schools and, especially, on what ‘face to face’ provision for our Years 10 and 12 students might look like in pract
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  • 13 May 2020

    Published 13/05/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parents/Carers I hope you and your families are keeping well and that the slight easing in lockdown will provide you with a few more opportunities to get out and about. As you have no doubt heard the Prime Minister has announced the next step
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  • 6 May 2020

    Published 06/05/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parents/Carers Collingwood has only been (partially) closed for 23 days but it’s the longest 23 days any of us can remember! I’d like to again thank all the parents, carers and students of Collingwood for their positive attitude a
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  • 29 April 2020

    Published 29/04/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parents/Carers I hope you have all had a good week despite the ongoing lockdown situation. We are seeing some wonderful examples of creative and detailed work from our students. Can I ask that you continue to encourage them to keep up their e
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  • 22 April 2020

    Published 22/04/20, by Julia Byrne
    Dear Parents/Carers Welcome back to the new term! I do hope that, given the circumstances, you had a good Easter although I am aware that many of you have had difficult times through health or economic problems. I am sure we are all looking forwar
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  • 3 April 2020

    Published 03/04/20, by Julia Byrne

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Correspondence 15

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  • 2 April 2020

    Published 02/04/20, by Julia Byrne

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Correspondence 14

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