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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning


In Year Admissions (students that require immediate admission into Years 7 to 11)

To make an application for a place at Collingwood College, please download an Application Form here. One application form needs to be submitted for each child seeking admission. Completed forms should be returned directly to Collingwood College via email to  If families are moving into the local area from within the UK or overseas, applications should be submitted once exchange on a local property is secured or a rental agreement is in place.  If you live or will be moving to an address outside of Surrey, please contact your home local authority to make an application.

Please read the guidance notes (at the end of the application form) before completing the application form.

This form is for students currently in Year 7 to 11. Please do not use this form for transfer from Junior/Primary School, ie. Year 6 into Year 7.

Transfer into Year 7 from Primary / Junior School

Year 6 children will receive information about applying for a secondary school place from their current school in September. Applications must be submitted directly to the home County Council using the application form or online facility that they have specified. PLEASE DO NOT SEND APPLICATIONS DIRECTLY TO THE COLLEGE. The deadline for submitting applications is in October.

In the event that a place at Collingwood College is not offered, please contact us directly to be added to our waiting list. 

Please click here to view Surrey County Council's information on school admissions.

Sixth Form Admissions

Please click here to view information with regards to our Sixth Form admissions process.

Admissions Applications for Collingwood College Staff

If, as a Collingwood College staff member, you would like to apply for a place for your child, please complete the Supplementary Information Form as well as the main application form:

Supplementary Information Form 2023-2024
Supplementary Information Form 2024-2025
Supplementary Information Form 2025-2026

Curriculum Information